NFPA 96 code

NFPA 96 code states- Upblast fans shall be supplied with an access opening of a minimum 4 in. on the curvature of the outer fan housing to allow for cleaning and inspection of the fan blades.
Outside of being code, this access is amazing for a hood cleaner. This fan was wobbling due to the outside build up, after the access was installed the blades could be cleaned properly. This access install cost much less than a new fan or any downtime.

New Hood Cleaning Clients!

Without proper access this fan was unable to be cleaned properly, now we can be confident this fan is free of dangerous grease build up

These are photos of new customers, we are still growing and accepting new business


6 Week Kitchen Fan Cleaning

These photos were taken of a fan that has a 6 week cleaning frequency, it would be really dirty if it had a typical 3 month schedule  . Hood cleaning frequency varies depending on the restaurant . It important to have a correct cleaning frequency. Frequencies can range from six weeks the 3 months to 6 months to one year for a restaurant that has low volume. A single kitchen may have several hoods, all with different cleaning schedules. We are happy to find the right schedule for you.


Kitchen Exhaust Hood Cleaning

Industry standard requires that your exhaust hood system be cleaned to the bare metal, removing all grease and oil from the kitchen exhaust.  Our technicians are professionally trained and qualified to clean your commercial kitchen hood exhaust system from roof top to cook top. Here are some recent jobs in Kansas City


Cleaning of your exhaust hood is a critical part of keeping your business and employees safe and clean. Mid America Service Company has the trained and qualified technicians to keep your exhaust hood system and rooftop grease containment system clean. From your exhaust fan to the inside canopy.

Mid America Service Company in Kansas City can help you determine the service frequency that will meet the requirements of:

  • Fire Marshall (AHJ)
  • Insurance Company
  • NFPA 96 Guidline for Code
  • Health Department
  • Property Managers

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