Grease Containment in Kansas City

How important is rooftop grease containment?

There are many different safety and environmental issues facing the restaurant industry. As a restaurant owner, you are required to comply with the state and federal requirements regarding your kitchen Hood, exhaust Hood filters, and grease control. If you want to avoid roof damage or failure, fire, fines, and interior damage, rooftop grease control is the first step. Protecting your business from roof grease damage with our grease containment systems is an investment in your business that you can’t afford not to make.

A grease containment system will protect the areas around the fan and the roof from Grease damage. They are designed to capture the grease and oils that will flow out of the hood exhaust fan. To properly protect your investment, the entire kitchen exhaust system needs to be cleaned on a regular basis and the exhaust fan should have a grease containment system in place.

Here is an excerpt from NFPA 96 related to grease containment: rooftop termination shall be arranged with or provided with the following:

(4) The ability to drain grease out of any traps or low points formed in the fan or duct near the termination of the system into a collection container that is non-combustible, closed, rainproof, and structurally sound for the service to which it is applied and that will not sustain combustion

(5) A grease collection device that is applied to exhaust systems that does not inhibit the performance of any fan The upblast fans she’ll have a drain directed to a readily accessible visible grease receptacle not-to-exceed one gallon.

Before and After

Lack of Grease Containment

Call Mid America Service Company to discuss the options for your restaurant rooftop that will help eliminate roof deterioration, costly roof replacements, combustibles draining to your roof, and voided roof warranties. Estimates are always free.